😢Have you ever checked your ad account over and over again, just hoping things would improve? I have you.
I remember when I launched my first Facebook Ad and it bombed. I created an amazing ad – or so I thought. And then we launched it – only to get exactly zero sales.
Hi, I’m Ben Curry. I’ve created Facebook Ads that have brought in millions of dollars in sales. But, it wasn’t always easy. In fact, when I first started creating Facebook Ads, it was hard.
My first Facebook Ads all failed – even though I was a successful email copywriter who’d generated over $20 Million in Sales.
Then, a few of my new sales emails failed. It seemed like nothing was working and I started to doubt myself.
I had two kids to feed, an ex-wife to help support, a never-ending deluge of bills, and it felt like my career was going nowhere.😫 Why had I quit Real Estate to become a copywriter?😨 I wanted to give up, but I kept pushing. Fortunately, a little while later…
I cracked the code to Facebook Ads that work… and created a huge winner that brought in over $2 Million in sales.🙌
At first, I thought I just got lucky. So, I created ads for my client’s other offers.
Some failed. Some were marginal. But, a lot of them became huge “Control” winners – and are still running today.
My new ads helped my employer grow revenue by about 70% year over year. And this was an established, multi-million dollar company.
Soon after, I reached out to other marketers and started helping them with their Facebook Ads:
- I helped one client grow his business from $400k a year to about $1.6 Million a year in revenue.
- I created a batch of “Control” Ads for one of the best marketers in the world.
- I helped another client double the number of leads he gets from Facebook each month.
And I discovered that my success was not a fluke. When you follow a proven copywriting process, you will make sales. Not every time. Some ads will fail, some will be marginal, and a few will be huge successes. Anyways…
Once I discovered the right process, I started creating winning ads consistently. And was able to regain my confidence. So, why am I writing this ad for you? Because…
I don’t want other Facebook Marketers to struggle with their ads. So, I want to show you:
3 ways I can help you get more sales from your FB Ads:
#1. Hire me to help you “Image Scale” up your existing ads.
This is the fastest and easiest way to get more sales fast. I’ve spent hours finding great images to scale up ads. As a result, I have a library of proven images to quickly scale up your ads.
#2. Hire me to create new Facebook Ads for you.
I’ll write the Ad Copy and Video Scripts for you, and even shoot a sample Video so you can see exactly how the video works. If you prefer to run Image Ads, then I’ll pick out all the images for you to run.
#3. Hire me to help scale up your email marketing.
I’ve written and sent over a thousand different emails. I know what works and what doesn’t. I’ve got dozens of proven Email Frameworks that will bring in sales.
Here’s how to discover how I can help you. Go here and schedule a 30-Minute Scaling Consultation. I’ll meet with you, go through the entire report with you, and explain all the different strategies to you.
I’ll answer any questions you may have, give you a simple checklist you can use to implement the strategies inside. All it will take is a few minutes of your time, and you’ll leave with a new strategy to get more sales.
Don’t risk missing out on that one scaling strategy that could take your company to the next level. Do it now, because I can’t wait to share these Scaling Secrets with you.
Thanks for reading.
Ben Curry
The Scaling Copywriter
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