Here are 10 Ad Frameworks that have made my clients millions. I’m surprised at how many marketers don’t use some of them. I never show my client’s ads as examples. So, I’m showing you other people’s ads as examples.
1. The Borrowed Proof Ad Framework.
Example 1 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Results. The best converting ad I’ve ever created used this framework. So, it works!
It’s the closest thing you can get to a testimonial without having a testimonial.
How To Create A Borrowed Proof Ad. Find proof in the world, borrow that proof, and then tie it back to your product or service.
If you don’t have the subject’s permission, then “anonymize” the story in the ad.
My ad said: “One person is getting result with mechanism.” Close out your ad with your offer and Call to Action.
2. The Disadvantaged Success Story Ad Framework.
Example: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

This is John Carlton’s famous “One Legged Golfer Ad. If you want to see the entire ad, then Google it.
Results. The 4th best converting Ad I ever created used this framework. So, it works.
How To Create A Disadvantaged Success Story Ad. Find someone who has accomplished the success that people get from your product or service.
Then, tell their story. If you don’t have their permission, then “anonymize” the story in the ad. Next, tie that story back to your product or service. Finally, close out with your offer and Call to Action.
3. The Data Conversion Ad Framework.
Example: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

This is one of the oldest ads in Grant Cardone’s Ad Library. So, you know it’s working.
Results. The 2nd best converting Ad I ever created used this framework. That was back in 2020, long before Grant first ran this ad.
Overview. Once you get better at marketing and sales, you realize you can’t just make big claims, because people are skeptical and they won’t believe you.
So, you have to back up your claims with proof. Grant’s ad does a great job at this – introducing a fact by saying “Did you know?”
How To Create A Data Conversion Ad. Find some sort of data, proof, or fact that proves your product or service works. Start your ad out with “Did you know _?” It works because it’s a great way to state a fact without raising doubt in your prospect’s mind.
Continue with the rest of your ad. You can close the ad quickly, or write a longer, more detailed ad. Finally, close out your ad with your offer and Call to Action.
4. The New Opportunity Belief Ad Framework.
Example: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Here’s a great ad from Andy Stickel. He “backs up” his claim in the video.
If you’re creating an Image Ad, then you will back up your claim in the Ad Text.
Results. I created one of my Top 10 Ads using this framework. Since it’s so easy to create, I’m putting it down as #4.
How To Create A New Opportunity Belief Ad. For this ad, you start out making a big promise and then back up your claim with a fact on why it’s true.
The “backup” details can be complicated. Or, it can be as simple as one sentence.
I backed up the claim in my winning ad with just 1 sentence. Finally, you close out your ad with your offer and Call to Action.
5. The Yoyo Ad Framework.
What is a “Yoyo” Ad? Basically, it’s where you tell your story and go from the highs to the lows and back to the highs. If you’re already known as a huge success – like Grant Cardone – then you start with the lows.
These ads work because they get “average” people to see that you’re not “privileged.”
And, if you were able to overcome adversity, then they can too!
Example: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

I had to dig deep into my files to find this Example Ad from Grant Cardone. He ran this ad for close to a year. So, I know it converted.
Results. I created a bunch of ads for a $100 Million Offer. The client was also known as hugely successful. My longest-running ad of those ads was a Yoyo Ad. It started with a low, went to a high, told a painful story (low), and then finished out on a high.
How To Create A Yoyo Ad. First, hook the reader in a low point in the story.
Then, dramatize the low. Next, tell the reader about the mechanism that got the subject out of the low. After that, tell the reader about the high. Finally, close out with your offer and Call to Action.
6. The Pain Call Out Ad Framework.
Example: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Here’s an example from the Healthcare space. I’ve noticed they use a lot of “Pain” ads.
Even though these ads work great for Info Marketers, Coaches, Consultants, etc, most of them don’t use them.🤷
Results. I’ve consistently had success with these ads. They never scale to top-tier status.
But, they’re great “Bread and Butter” Ads that convert consistently.
How To Create A Pain Call Out Ad:
First, call out the person in pain. For example:
- “Tired of _?”
- “Has this ever happened to you?”
- “Does this sound familiar?”
Then, tell a painful story – either your own or someone else’s story. (If you don’t have permission to use the subject’s story, then “anonymize” it.) Finally, close out with your solution, offer and Call to Action.
7. The Transformation Story Framework.
Overview. Transformation Stories are your “Bread and Butter” for winning Ads, Emails, etc. They just work. I’ve created many winning “Transformation Story” Ads.
Example: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Here’s the full text of the ad.
High-achieving women are wired to burn out.
The crazy part? We accept it as a normal consequence of our success.
And yet, it’s killing us.
When I was working at the executive VP level on Wall Street and preparing to take over our West Coast office, I had a life that looks great on paper…
But it was nearly killing.
I was working 60-70 hour weeks… having unexplained health issues… ignoring my most important relationships… and simply missing out on my life.
So I left the job because I thought the job was the problem.
But I soon realized that no matter what I did – whether it was lying on the beach or working with underserved kids or building a coaching practice – I was still the same person.
How could I have worked so hard and checked all these boxes of success and still be unhappy? The problem wasn’t the job. It was ME.
👉🏼 So I set off on a journey to figure out why high-achieving women end up burning out and wanting to opt-out.
After years of research and working with thousands of professional women, I finally cracked the code.
It turns out the system wasn’t built for women. In order to succeed in male-dominated industries, we are all working twice as hard to prove ourselves and it’s burning us all out – at work and at home.
If you are a career-oriented woman who also wants to have a family, you know what I’m talking about.
Over the past decade, I have watched our clients go from burnt out, overwhelmed, living in a state of panic and anxiety and chronically depressed to waking up every day feeling happy, balanced, and excited again – not to mention how they show up with more confidence at work!
These women go from being on the verge of quitting their jobs to getting promotions and working less!
I know it all sounds too good to be true but we see this happen with our clients every day.
Interested in EXACTLY how we do this? I’m sharing everything on my brand new, 100% free online workshop.
It’s only 30 minutes and it’s totally worth your time 👉
How To Create A Transformation Story Ad. First, hook the reader with a catchy image and first sentence. Then, tell the story. You can use your story, your client’s stories, or borrow stories from other people. (If you don’t have their permission, then “anonymize” the story.)
Make sure you have a clear before and after – where life sucked in the before part and was better in the after part. Finally, close out with your offer and Call to Action.
Bonus tip. When telling your story, talk about how it made you feel. People buy because of emotions, not logic.
8. The Painful Story Framework.
Example: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

I never show the ads I’ve created for my clients. And, I can’t find any good examples of someone using this ad framework as I do. So, this is the closest thing I could find. Only, instead of telling the Painful Story in text, Billy Gene tells it in the video. Contact me to get a link to the video.
How I discovered this Ad Framework. I first created this ad when I was frustrated that people weren’t interested in my client’s amazing offer. I’d used the offer myself and it’d made a huge difference for me.
“Why didn’t people want a better life and more success!?”, I asked myself. Then, I had a big aha. The prospects were apathetic because they weren’t in pain! So, I created an ad to tell a common story and put them in pain. I ran it on Facebook and it crushed.
Results. I’ve consistently had success with these ads. They never scale to top-tier status. But, they’re great “Bread and Butter” Ads that convert consistently.
How To Create A Painful Story Ad. Basically, you tell a common story that your prospect has lived through. If you’re selling a better way to do Network Marketing, then you could tell the story of what happens to everyone when they get into MLM.
They lose friends, their family mocks them, they don’t make any money, they start to doubt themselves, and feel like a failure. Make the story so bad that the person thinks “F*ck my life.” Then, transition to your solution. Finally, close out with your offer and Call to Action.
9. The Testimonial Framework.
Example: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Most marketers know about the Testimonial Ad Framework. But, what they’re missing is a proven system for getting great testimonials. I’ve created a proven system for getting testimonials. And, if you’d like to know how it works, then contact me for more details.
Results. These have been some of the biggest winners for all of my clients. They’ve never been the absolute top converting ads. But, they’re great “Bread and Butters Ads that you should use as much as possible.
How To Create A Testimonial Ad. Use whatever you have for a testimonial.
- If you only have a screenshot from their post in your Facebook Group, then use that.
- If you have more images and proof, then use that.
- If they’re willing to do a video interview with you, then do an interview on Zoom, and use that.
But, use whatever you have – even if it’s not perfect. For the ad, hook the reader with a great image or video. If the testimonial person doesn’t want to be public, then “anonymize” them by using a Stock photo of a similar person.
Tell the Testimonial’s Story. As much as possible, make sure you have a clear before and after – where life sucked in the before part and was better in the after part. Then, transition to your solution. Finally, close out with your offer and Call to Action.
10. The New Opportunity Call Out Framework.
Example: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Results. These ads work well, and sometimes they’re top tier winners.
Overview. I saved this for last because most marketers have seen this framework.
But, it still works. Some of the best converting ads are very simple and direct like this.
How To Create A New Opportunity Call Out Ad.
Hook the reader with a great image or video. Then, call out your ideal prospect in the copy. Next, go directly into your offer. Tell them how amazing it is. Focus on benefits, not features.
At this point, you can close out your ad at this point with your offer and Call to Action. Or, if you prefer, then you can build your believability with more details.
- Tell another story.
- Tell a customer success story.
- Give the reader some data that backs up your claims.
After that, close out your ad with your offer and Call to Action.
Well, it’s time to wrap up. Now that you’ve seen 10 winning ad frameworks, it’s time to put them to work for you. And fortunately, you can simply hire me to create winning ads for you using these frameworks.
If you’d like more information on how that works, then contact me for more information.
Ben Curry
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