Last month I talked about how Tai Lopez made $100 Million from his marketing. So, why was Tai Lopez able to do so well with his marketing, when so many people fail?
- Was he lucky?
- Did he have a special gift?
I don’t know exactly why. But, I’ll bet it was a combination of hard work, persistence, and some luck. Which leads to this:
The #1 Reasons that people fail is because they aren’t willing to do the work required to be successful.
Most of us struggle to push through the awful time required to reach the reward.
And I’m as guilty of this as anyone. It’s no fun to force yourself to go to work when everyone else is having fun and enjoying life.
And a recent experience brought this home for me. I went home for Christmas, and visited my kids for two weeks. Jackson is being homeschooled, so I was the schoolteacher. He was doing long division math and kept getting his answers wrong.
Problems like 203,395 divided by 293. I showed him how to do long division by hand on a blank sheet of paper. And he kept trying to do the multiplication part in his head. Finally I’d had enough.
I told him: “Jackson, I have more experience with math than you. And there’s no way I can multiply 293 X 6 in my head. Sit down, do the problem the correct way, and then you’ll get more of your answers correct.
Once you’ve developed the skill, then you can do the multiplication in your head. But, until then, you have to do the work.”
Jackson is a good kid. But he just didn’t want to do the work required to get his math correct. (By the way, he’s going back to school next year. Homeschooling just isn’t working for him.) Anyways…
It was a wake up call for me. I haven’t managed employees in a few years, and hadn’t experienced the average person’s work ethic up close. It’s one thing to know something in theory. But, it’s another thing to have it shoved in your face by your own kid.
We all want to think our kids are the best. But, Jackson was being lazy. Because he’s homeschooled, he isn’t seeing other kids getting better grades than him. So, he thinks he’s doing ok. I love my son, but he’s going to have to work harder.
Unfortunately, the same thing applies to most things in life:
- Are your employees not getting results? They may not be doing the work required to get results.
- Are your copywriters not getting results? They may not be doing the work.
- Are your Media Buyers not getting results? They may not be doing the work. I’m shocked at the mediocrity I see when I take over Media Buying from someone else. I can crush other Media Buyers because I force myself to do the work.
- Are your Email List Managers not getting results? They may not be doing the work. I recently took over managing an Email List, and the prior person was missing a few key items. He hadn’t done a split test in months, and wasn’t optimizing things.
As a manager of people, we have to do the same thing.
We have to do the work to manage our employees and check on their work. I just realized that I’ve been letting my Virtual Assistant get away with things.
So, I just sent her an email asking her to send me a daily report at the end of work every day. She tracks her time in Time Doctor. But, anyone can game Time Doctor. I prefer to see that people are actually getting things done.
In addition, I just put a little note in my daily to do list to check on her report each work day. And, if she doesn’t send me a report, then I’ll ask her for it. That daily check in is what keeps people accountable long term. Something to think about.
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