Something interesting happened the other day.
I’ve spent the last 7 months traveling as a Digital Nomad. And I’ve just gotten burned out on it. I’m somewhat of an extrovert and I like being around people.
So, even though you get to travel to exotic new places, you get lonely sometimes. It finally hit me last night. I went to a Social Event, met a few people, and then I didn’t want to meet anyone else.
I was turned off by the small talk. “Where are you from? What do you do?” Ugh! It was very weird because I’ve never felt that way before. I’d felt somewhat lonely at times in my travels. But, I usually connected with enough other travelers that I was ok.
But, the last 6 weeks have just kind of stacked up. I’ve only had a few “real”, deep conversations with other people in the last 6 weeks.
This had been bothering me for about a month. At first, I resisted changing my plans and tried to meet more people. But, finally I realized it was time for a change. So, I booked a ticket home. I fly home on Friday.
I’m ready to settle in just one place and make friends there. Traveling is fun. But, it starts to wear on you when you travel by yourself. So, my “Digital Nomad” life is over.
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